Mohamed Ibnkahla
Cisco Research Chair in Sensor Technology for the Internet of Things
NSERC/Cisco Industrial Research Chair in Sensor Networks for the Internet of Things
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Carleton-Cisco IoT Testbed
The Carleton-Cisco IoT testbed has been built at the Sensor Systems and IoT Lab, Carleton University, under the Cisco Research Chair in Sensor Technology for IoT and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)/Cisco Industrial Research Chair in Sensor Networks for IoT, with the support of Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and Ontario Research Fund (ORF). The testbed adopts a layered approach composed of four layers, namely: Sensing layer, edge computing layer, fog computing and core network layer, and cloud layer. The testbed supports the cross-layer nature of the IoT and enables system design and data processing at the different IoT layers starting from the sensing layers up to the cloud. The implemented testbed enables the development of tomorrow’s IoT technology by offering accurate multi-user scientific evaluation tools over heterogeneous networks and technologies. The IoT testbed considers the complete cycle of IoT application development and deployment that includes sensing, applications, and middle-layers processing as well as system-level cybersecurity design and management.